Studying natural health has always been a goal of
mine, after a lifetime of allergies, intolerances, IBS, coeliac disease
and other health issues that seemed to defy conventional medicine. Add
my two little people, one with a severe vaccine reaction, allergies
& eczema; the other born with an immune deficiency and none-specific
growth delays; you have a recipe for a naturopath with tons of
first-hand experience!
2011 was a huge year and a great leap towards my goal. This mum,
with 2 kids under 5 and a husband that works overseas, decided to go
back to
uni and study a BA Health Science in Naturopathy. Not only did I go back to uni, I luckily received a
scholarship - how thrilled was I! Only catch….I had to study full-time…argh!
So after some thought, a little foot tapping and a few sleepless
nights I decided to accept the scholarship and give it a go. “What the
heck” I thought…I have two kids that sleep poorly, haven’t clocked up a
full 8 hours sleep in 5 years, but yeah, I can study full time
Fast-forward to 2012 – I completed my first year studying natural
health, scoring mostly D’s and HD’s (very pleased with that) and have 10
out of 36 subjects under my belt. Problem was, going back to uni this
year, the timetable really wasn’t made for a mum in my situation. Lots
of 3pm & 6pm lectures (nope, can’t do that), a few 8.30am lectures
(nope, can’t do that either) and here I was…unable to attend any of my
classes with any sort of regularity.
Not happy!!!!
The Gold Coast is not an easy place to study natural medicine. There is
only one uni that
offers the BA in Natural Health Science I want to study – where I
studied last year, Endeavour, but can’t make the lecture times this
semester. Local uni’s like
Griffith (where I did my Business Degree) &
Bond don’t offer natural health degrees yet, and the local
TAFE that used to offer Adv. Diplomas in Naturopathy no longer does (I thought I was studying a growth industry? Go figure….).
That left me with only distance study options that frankly I wasn’t
keen to pursue. However, with no other option, I researched the
available courses and decided to give the
try. At this point I have 6 AIAS subjects to complete, have just
finished one, and am finding the motivation hard. I miss the
interactive class environment and really don’t think the education is as
good when you’re teaching yourself from a workbook. Plus, being an
Advanced Diploma, I’m finding the content below my abilities and
frankly, I’m bored.
For those of you looking to study natural health too, let’s quickly talk the pro’s & con’s of AIAS…
Pro’s of AIAS
- cost – the subjects are about half the price of Endeavour, plus they include all set textbooks, saving me $500+ a semester. Nice!
- content – the Advanced Diploma Naturopathy includes
Iridology and Flower Essences, where Endeavour no longer does, you can
choose either Homeopathic or Massage streams
- less stress – the subjects are self-paced & you
have up to 9 months to complete them. The schedule at Endeavour was
intense and I actually came close to a break-down back in November, from
the pressure.
Con’s of AIAS
- inconsistencies – there are many errors in the workbooks,
inconsistent information from admin staff, difficulty accessing help
& support…the list goes on. However for me, the frustration is
definitely offset by the cost savings
plus AIAS seem to be working hard to fix the issues.
- exam co-ordinators – it’s hard to find someone to sit your exams
with. It has to be someone you aren’t good friends with (so you can’t
cheat) but that you know well enough to feel comfortable asking to
oversee your 3hour exams…huh???? oxymoron…
- support – it is a VERY lonely way to study and I wouldn’t recommend
it. However AIAS is launching an online version of study, so hopefully
that will overcome some of the loneliness & lack of information
Overall, looking at $$$ alone, my degree at Endeavour is about $50k
(my scholarship was only for the first year), but the Adv Dip at AIAS is
about $25k. Half the price, can’t be overlooked….so what does it mean
for my study????
Overall, the cost saving, lack of interaction with other students and
easier level of content are not big enough ++++ for me, so next
semester I plan to continue studying natural health back at Endeavour.
Although it will take me a number of years to complete in a piece-meal,
part-time fashion, it’s back to Endeavour I go…one subject by measly
subject at a!
As the ultimate goal for me is to become a top quality natural health
practitioner, I feel the only place that can offer me that is on-campus
at Endeavour. So I'm doing a little of both courses & hoping to finish them day!!!
Cheers, Cass x